Celebrating 50 Years


Our 50th Anniversary celebration luncheon will be held on 
Saturday, June 7, 2025, 11:30 am –3:30 pm
 Charlie’s of Lincroft
700 Newman Springs Road
 Lincroft, NJ. 
The Chapter will be subsidizing a portion of the luncheon cost for all MCEGA members. Registrations will begin in January.

Monmouth Chapter was originally the Molly Pitcher Chapter with our first meeting held on 
May 22, 1975. As we became chartered, we learned that all chapter names had to be geographical in nature and so we became the Monmouth Chapter in July 1975. 
We plan to have a celebration in 2025 -- more information will be announced shortly.

Planning for our chapter’s 50th anniversary in 2025 is continuing with more information to be
announced shortly.  Historically, Monmouth Chapter has been meeting on the 3rd Thursday
of the month since we first became a chapter, which is our general meeting.  In 1991 the Jersey Shore Chapter joined Monmouth Chapter and met on the first Monday of the
month thus becoming our evening meeting.  In 2011 the South Mountain Chapter joined Monmouth as our Sunday meeting.  MCEGA members can attend all three meetings each month.

As we plan to celebrate our chapter’s 50 th anniversary in 2025 Monmouth Chapter:
 Held over 825 meetings
 Provided over 75 workshops
 Ran several bus trips and outings to museums and needlework shops
 Conducted classes by our members
 Provided classes with embroidery instructors
 Viewed slide shows and listened to lectures
 Participated in Group Correspondence Classes
 Used Petite Projects
 Held Notebook Classes
 Challenged our members by completing UFOs
 Utilized President’s Challenges
 Celebrated Holiday Gift Exchanges
 Stitched every form of embroidery from appliqué to weaving
 … and since 2020 have provided meetings and classes online

Since we began in 1975 Monmouth Chapter has grown with the times and changed to
meet the needs and wants of our members. We have moved meeting locations to better 
accommodate our members. Our Chapter was one of the first chapters to develop a 
website and we now have presence on the social media platforms. Monmouth Chapter
always offered our members a vast variety of in-person educational opportunities but has
expanded to offering virtual meetings and classes, thus allowing for even more classes
with teachers. The number of stitching events offered to our members has increased with
our Stitching Times. Because of these educational opportunities, our membership has
grown to not only include local members but members from our Region and across 
the United States.

Back in the late 1980’s there was a television commercial by an upscale credit card 
company that announced, “Membership has its’ privileges”. The implication was that 
certain things were available only through the use of this card and that if you wanted
to get in on all of the rewards, you had to be a member.

Membership at Monmouth Chapter EGA has many benefits. We’ve discussed in previous
articles how much education has been and continues to be offered to our members. Our
members benefit from the many discounted programs that our Chapter subsidizes so 
that we can provide our members with a multitude of stitching opportunities.

While education is our primary goal there is a benefit to membership that we have not 
yet discussed. It’s the friendship and camaraderie that our members share by getting 
together at meetings (both in-person and virtually). Some of our best friendships started
all because we became members of Monmouth Chapter. When we each joined Monmouth
Chapter it was because we had an interest in needle arts. This shared interest bonds us
with each other. It’s like a “stitcher-hood”. As William Butler Yeats said: 
“There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t met yet”.